Sunday, July 25, 2010


Well today was the 4th Sunday of July - the day Deacon Jerry stated, five weeks ago, would be the last regular Sunday Mass in the church building of the former St. Hedwig Parish.

Nothing to report on that fact; nothing in the sermon. The Sunday parish bulletin shows a regularly scheduled Mass St. Hedwig's for next week the 18th Sunday in Ordinary time.

Will something change? Who knows -anything's likely to happen, but I suspect Pastor Joseph and the bishop have decided to turn the heat under the pot real low; that way the frogs will be completely unaware they are being slowly boiled.

I won't be able to confirm what happened for a couple of weeks. SNAP conference next weekend in Chicago (I'm going by bus - trying to keep my personal vow to use the automobile as little as possible). The following week I'll be donating blood platelets at the Red Cross - at 9:30 AM - usually a 2 1/2 process. So unless I get back home before Mass lets out on Sunday, August 8th, I'll have to wait until Sunday, August 15th to find out for sure what happened unless, of course, my iron content in my blood isn't high enough (and won't be able to donate) in which case I will know when I go to attend Mass.

Noticed that bulletin now shows a combined collection amount. Average is about $4,000.00 per Sunday (over $200,000.00 per year). I do wonder how much of that ends up being directed to the Shoo-Loop lawyers once a portion of it gets sent to the downtown offices of the Diocese? It's a question that has bothered me for a few years now.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


It's after 8 PM on what was a hot day, until some rain came through and dropped it to about 77.

Nothing new to report this Sunday. Per the bulletin, Fr. Joseph is off somewhere in Michigan on probably a planned respite.

An older priest was in today for Mass. Seen him before - tall and lanky. Never got his name - not even the first time he came by. Pretty standard celebration. The interior of the building was, of course, hot. As I usually do, I turned my bulletin copy into an improvised fan and kept myself tolerably cool enough to sit through the Mass.

The only interesting thing was hearing part of an overheard conversation. One of the altar servers sat down a few pews in front of me to, I am guessing, discuss the topic of this Blog, with one of the two older ladies who always sit three pews closer to the front than I.

Actually all I heard was just part of two sentences uttered emphatically twice. They were clear enough that I can quote them: "Bishop Blair doesn't care . . ." Not sure what the server believed the bishop didn't care, about. But I could guess.

The natives it, appears, are restless and unsure about what is going to happen.

A side note: ya know it's too bad any kind of conversation goes on in the church building's worship area. The loss of a sense of sanctity in the worship space is sad. It even comes down to the point where if one wishes to pray and meditate or contemplate and if somebody walks by and sees one praying that somebody still feels a need to call out a greeting or engage in conversation. And then the person praying feels like a sh&# for not responding and even must deal with nasty looks for replying only with a nod.

I didn't really want to hear that conversation between the altar server and the lady, but God how could I have helped it given how things are now?

Next week's the 4th Sunday. Mass should go on as planned. I won't be able to see what happen's on August 1st - as I'll be attending the SNAP conference in Chicago. I'll wait until August 8th to see if Mass will be celebrated as promised.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Bussed it in to work today - heavy-duty thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon - not a good day to ride scooter.

But the respite from the Vespa gave me a chance to talk to a lady who often sits a few pews in front of me in church on Sunday.

She agreed with me that Bishop Blair planned what happened a couple of weeks ago - quite some time ago - the sudden departure of Fr. Hertzfeld who was supposed to take over at St. Joseph's down the street - was all too obvious -he wants to close the parish and building and confiscate any monies while he focuses on the rich parishes in the fringe areas of Toledo and its suburbs.

However, she did point out one thing further that will help toward the demise: the placement of the Sunday Masses. To restate: the Sunday Mass held at St. Hedwig's is at 11:30 AM. Now for the ignorant: the St. Hedwig's church building has never been air-conditioned while St. Adalbert's is. The word she gave me was the one or two of the altar servers got Father Joseph's ear and convinced him to ensure that St. Hedwig's Mass would be held during the warmest part of the day. This will ensure, of course, that folks wishing to attend Mass in the parish will go down the street to the air-conditioned building.

Ya know, I'm just a south-end kid - child, grandchild and great-grandchild of Catholic Polish-Americans and Polish immigrants who settled in Nebraski (I refuse to use the other derogatory term foisted on my ancestors by the north-end Poles). So, I have no real feeling for this 'Hatfield-McCoy' like feud that's been raging here in the north end for about a century.

So, why not just switch the Sunday Mass times and places around? It makes sense. It'll keep folks happy and ensure the bishop's promise to keep the building open for Sunday Mass will be kept.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I went to the second Mass for this July of 2010 at St. Hedwig's - the second of what I expected to be two more. However, just before he started his sermon Father Joseph gave a 'little' announcement: that contrary to what the Deacon Jerry said on June 27th - the 11:30 AM Mass would continue -- at least for the next several months.

Do I shout "Hurrah" or accept the story given by Sally - the spinmiester as being factual (for once) or were other factors at work here.

On the way to church - had to take cut-thru the alley next to the old convent due the annual Polish Street Festival which for the 3 years now has been fenced off for security (and because the Lagrange Delopement Corp. wants to make some money on admission fees) I encountered a woman - a fellow parishioner - who confessed to coming to church here for 40 years. She said, as we walked to Mass together, that the announcement two weeks ago was bothering her and weighing heavily on her mind.

If this was not going to happen, and considering the behavior of our bishop, then nothing should have been said at all - even in speculation.

Fr. Joseph said he didn't know about what been said. Posh! I sent an email with a link to this blog on June 27th itself. So, either he does read his email often or somebody does that for him (deleting what Father doesn't need to see I imagine) or what? . . . he ignored it? And what about others who I am sure contacted him?

Being up front is important - especially now when the trust the clergy automatically got has been almost mortally wounded since the sexual abuse scandal broke.

I believe him, but I won't be surprised of it all closes down as originally announced. If it doesn't - then I'll have to wonder if it's going into a slow fade out - meaning - turning down the heat real low gradually bringing that water to a boil so the people won't see it happening. So, I remain as convinced as ever that closing the church building is on the menu.

Side note: once again Fr. Joesph used Eucharistic Prayer I. I heartily approve - about time that old and venerable prayer got taken out of month balls and used regularly.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Just got out of the first Mass celebrated by the new pastor, Fr. Jospeh Poggemeyer.

Nothing new to report - he simply reiterated what Deacon Jerry stated last Sunday. Without clarification it would seem that perhaps today's Mass was the first of the last four regular Sunday Masses that will be celebrated within the walls of St. Hedwig's.

Fr. Joseph gave a short history of himself and his take on how to relate with the Lord rather than preach a sermon on today's reading from the Gospel.

I learned that like myself, he is an alumus of the Pontifical College Josephinum - though technically I graduated from the college division and he graduated from the theologate.

Looks he's a bishop's man though (Could less be expected?). He commented that he trusts that what the bishop says (and I assume does) is what the Lord wants for the Church. Considering what I've witnessed for 5 years now - I don't believe that can be relied upon with this bishop.

As for Mass celebration style: I did like that he used Eucharistic Prayer I (so many use E.P. II so much it's almost become the standard) and properly blessed us (May almighty God bless YOU (not US)). Hope that continues.

One final note here: Four years ago I did have a letter printed in the Blade in which I said it would be proper and just if of all priests who are transferring to a new parish to be required to have an updated background check done and released to the people. Of course that was roundly scorned and Bishop Blair - even if he ordered one - probably wouldn't release the results to the people of the parishes.

I never did one on Fr. Philoposki - who just left. But this time I did one on the new pastor - using the available information from the local courts that are on the Net. I found nothing significant - only a very, very, minor indiscretion when he was but a youth. Nothing that need be described in detail on this Blog. Had I found something seriously significant though, I would have felt obligated to let the whole world know. At this point I'd say he's safe to be around children, teens and vulnerable adults.

The point is not that I found anything, but - that the check was done and the results shared in some fashion - no matter what the check showed.

For now I'll watch and I'll listen.

Absolute final note: I did take the time to go meet him; shake his hand and welcome him to the parish - anything less would have been indecent of me.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Well. Dave Yonke's article did appear today in the Blade:

Here it is: St. Hedwig, St. Adalbert officially one parish

Thanks Dave.

The priest who was supposed to take over at St. Joseph's was Fr. Hertzfeld - I thought it was "Heinschel" - but that is no matter. He's the one who "volunteered" to go to Rome.

The fact still stands that this happened awfully quickly - little or no warning. It's an internal process.

Internal procedures of any organization that are self-monitored, including (maybe especially) religious one, can be bent to fit whatever circumstance one wishes to make them to fit - whether for good or for evil (my experience is that it is usually to cover-up a mistake or for out right evil).

I know that because I worked in places in which the powers that be who are only accountable to themselves routinely bent internal procedures to cover-up what the real intent was so as to present a 'good face' to those whom those places served or who worked there. Money was usually at stake.

I still think that is exactly what happened in this instance.

I heard what Deacon Jerry said on Sunday, June 27th and he did say that the Mass schedule for July of 2010 would hold, but that schedule for August would have to change and this would result in NO Masses on Sunday at all at St. Hedwigs which would be turned into an oratory.

The bishop's statement that he couldn't turn down Rome was lame when presented and is still lame now. Bishop Blair has Vatican connections - everyone knows that - after all he went to school there and chummed up with several persons who now hold high offices who were former schoolmates. It wouldn't take much to quietly and informally work with one of his cronies in a Vatican office to get what he wanted in the end.

My concern is not what's going to be closed here, but, again, that we are witnessing bishops who simply will not be held accountable to their people, but will act as they damn well please. It's right in line with the way the survivors of sexual abuse have been treated for centuries.

I haven't heard of any protests being mounted in the matter by my fellow parishioners - yet. Maybe there won't be any. If they do it's because they'll want to maintain there little Polish-American ethnic enclave not because they care about the neighborhood which is no longer connected to many of them anymore. Many in fact come from miles and miles away- some as far as Ann Arbor - to come to Mass. For me - it's the principle that matters. If the church is going to be closed - just say so - don't play games.

So, Bishop Blair, Fr. Billian, and Fr. Poggemeyer will have to quell what to amounts to a minor stirring up of the people - who knows maybe they'll let Sunday Mass be celebrated after all (or once or twice a month) until most of this people's angst and anger cools and they accept the inevitable.

Fr. Poggoemeyer got a link to this blog sent to him on this past Sunday. No response - didn't expect one. But I'll be there to see what he's got to say tomorrow at Mass - July 4th - Independence Day.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Transparency and Honesty . . .

Transparency and honesty are all that's asked.

Until those are given, accountability is and will be the demand of the day . . .

It's the bishop's choice.

I'm in it for the long haul.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Looks like Dave Yonke's interested in that matter. In fact I just got off the phone talking to him. There'll be a story this Saturday - he's completing interviews now.

I told him what I heard the deacon say from the pulpit. If the deacon meant what he said to be conditional - he should have said so clearly. I didn't hear any conditions. And he knew I was in the congregation and would likely comment on this on the Net.

Apparently Sally O. (the bishop's spinmeister) is trying to spin this differently. Well, that's no surprise.

Glad to see this matter won't go down without some sort of a fight.

The folks of St. Hedwig's have been resentful of me ever since the Chicken Dinner in the bulletin incident, but they don't deserve to be deprived of the use of their church in this fashion. Bishop Blair just needs to be up front - maybe this will help him to be frank and say what he means and not use subterfuge to get what he wants.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I looked at the news reports at the local TV stations on the the matter of the closing of St. Hedwig's. Of course only the bare details are available. There's no mention of the internal 'razzmatazz' that Bishop Blair (and probably) Fr. Billian pulled to contrive the closure the church building.

I sent an email to Dave Yonke about this - no response. I think he has come to believe I am just a crank or a buffoon to be ignored. (Now as for the Diocese - they have to keep an eye on all quarters, so I am sure Sally peeks in now and again).

I talked to one of my neighbors - a scuttlebutt source - and the word on the street is that plenty of the members of the St. Hedwig's are hopping mad about this and intend to fight.

They can hop all they want. Yeah, great-great grandpa might have lovingly laid the bricks so long ago when the building was being erected, but when completed the people themselves handed the building over, in perpetuity, to whomever the bishop is, in trust. He has the right to do whatever he wishes with it - unless challenged. If challenged - good luck folks as he'll bring in the Shoo-Loop lawyers (paying them from the big $$$ that are put in collection baskets) and drill any opponent a new one.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


This is breaking news. I'm late though - it broke this morning at the 8 AM Mass at St. Hedwig's.

The deacon read a letter at the end of Mass - a letter from Bishop Blair - given him either a day or two ago. The bishop's letter stated that a priest, Fr. Heinschel (sorry about sp if it's wrong) who was supposed to take over as pastor at St. Joseph's on Locust St. is being assigned to some office in the Vatican.

The result: Fr. Poggemeyer, who was supposed to take over as pastor of the soon to be merged parishes of St. Hedwig/St. Adalbert on July 1, 2010 will remain pastor of St. Joseph too.

And the effect of this? Well, before the SURPRISE announcement, St. Hedwig was going to retain an 11:30 AM Mass on Sunday - the new schedule. Now that schedule will only apply to July. After that a new one will come out - and likely St. Hedwig will be designated an 'oratory' with no regular Mass.

It means, effectively, St. Hedwig's is closing.

Rumors have been flying around since 2005 that Bishop Blair wanted the parish closed. However, he kept denying them saying that that the building would remain open.

I believe he just bided his time and got his way. The excuse given sounded so lame: that Fr. Heinschel has to go to Rome because the Holy Father beckons and the bishop just couldn't turn him down. I'm sure there is documentation to prove it. But I am certain given Bishop Blair's behavior in other parish closings in the past that this was, in the end, contrived. He was just trying to avoid an angry confrontation with parishioners.

An old story goes that if you pop a frog into a pot filled with hot boiling water it'll jump right out; however if you put a frog in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, the frog will stay in the pot content - until it's boiled to death.

That's what happened here. So, will there be any angry response from the die-hard St. Hedwiger's? I doubt it - they'll lay down and play dead and let him have his way and scatter to the winds.

If I weren't so deeply involved with trying to get justice and healing for the victims of sexual abuse in the Church from him, I'd take this on.

Bishop Blair concealed the truth about Fr. Nuss in 2006. In 2004 and 2005 he cooperated in concealing information on Fr. Gerald Robinson from the police (he was quoted as saying with a sneer "We gave the police what they wanted" in Dave Yonke's book, Sin, Shame and Secrets) and forced the police to obtain a 'No-knock' search warrant to get it. It seems that concealment is a life habit of his. Omertà. So, I do believe he concealed his true motives here and used a Church process to mask them too.

Justice and truth just does not play into his way of being a shepherd. God have mercy on him.

I do wonder what some of my fellow parishioners think of him now - especially with a surprise announcement like this which begs a million questions.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Three good questions

Saw three good questions in NCR today - at the end of an article by Sr. Maureen Paul Turlish., S.N.D.deN (Church leaders are spinning their wheels (I'd call it Church leaders are still spinning)):

  • What are the systemic and endemic flaws in church structure and governance that gave rise to the continuing crisis of sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic church?
  • What was it that gave bishops and their subordinates the idea that they had license to act with such utter abandon and disregard for the safety and protection of children; their bodies as well as their souls?
  • And is it really necessary for bishops to call down God's wrath on another newspaper when what they should be doing is "besieging" their fellow hierarchs to initiate the reform and renewal that is so necessary?
  • Have they learned so little in eight years?
Good questions indeed. Are you reading this oh faithful spinmeister of the Diocese of Toledo?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Catholics want to walk with their leaders

Read a great article from NCR on the abuse scandal. Not big fan of NCR because of it's obvious progressive position (which I read as 'defiantly dissenting').

Liked this quote especially:

"Catholics want to walk with their leaders, not beneath them. We want to be deeply invested in the pilgrim’s search, not sent on a forced march. We want to be the people of God, not cowed serfs. We want our pastors back. We’ve had quite enough of princes".

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wanted Suppression got Oppression

Today the Holy See via the Holy Father announced the Legion of Christ founded by the sexual predator, Fr. Marcial, would be run by special delegate from the Vatican.

What a miscarriage of justice.

I was hoping for the suppression of the L.C. What I got was more oppression.

Money, as always, speaks real loud.


Today, my parish dedicated and had its new organ blessed. Indeed the Mass for this event is being celebrated even as I write this Blog entry.

Usually this would be a "so what" event, but this was given significance by the presence of one of the chief engineers of the sexual abuse cover-up and one of the resisters of the investigation into the murder of Sister Margaret, namely, the Vicar General of the Diocese of Toledo, Fr. Michael Billian. He's the main celebrant.

So, in response I put up a small protest: I took my sign with the pic of Sister Margaret and placed in the front yard next to the always present large sign demanding healing and justice for the abuse victims.

I don't expect much of response from those concerned - though a couple of elderly dressed up ladies did briefly stop to a gawk for a moment.

Fr. Billian really shouldn't be in the office he holds nor does he have the right to call himself the "Very Reverend" either. Given what's he done in the sexual abuse cover-up and the cover-up of Sister's murder (and that's not addressing the number of the women whose heart he's broken by abusing them via an unequal relationship) it would be better if he'd be a real man; publicly own up to all he's done; resign his diocesan office and ask the bishop to assign him to some very impoverished third world religious order where he can work out his penance for the rest of his life by laboring way out in the bush area of some remote region of the world.

But I know that'll only happen in my dreams. So, I protest where I can and when I can.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI reduced to tears

As reported in the Guardian (and many other news sources) Pope Benedict XVI was reduced to tears when he met with victims/survivors of sexual abuse in Malta.

Tears and catharsis are good. They FEEL like healing. However, the Holy Father must use his primacy as a means of setting example so as to put into motion the kinds of systemic changes needed to combat the culture of clerical omertà (aka code of silence) and bring these tears to true fruition.

Otherwise they might become nothing more than tears borrowed off a crocodile.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Culture of Omertà

Ever since I've been involved in advocating for the sexual abuse survivors I have wondered why there has not been some sort of call of justice from huge numbers of the clergy.

Yet in nearly 5 years I can count on one hand the number of priests who have spoken out. Why is this?

Finally I discovered it: the culture of omertà.

And what is that? a word borrowed from the Mafia - it means 'a code of silence'. Wikipedia has this definition for it:

Omertà implies “the categorical prohibition of cooperation with state authorities or reliance on its services, even when one has been victim of a crime. Even if somebody is convicted for a crime he has not committed, he is supposed to serve the sentence without giving the police any information about the real criminal."

I've seen this with Father Robinson matter, especially in Toledo. I remember from Dave Yonke's book on the matter, the conversation reported between Bishop Blair had with Father Stanbery whom the bishop thought was like the rest the priests - an adherent of 0mertà. When Father Stanbery brought up the request by the Lucas County prosecutor for a a copy Father Robinson's file so they could properly prepare for the criminal trial, Bishop Blair smirked at the priest and is reported to have said "We gave them what they wanted".


Earlier in the week, the whole world saw omertà with the publication of a letter from a Cardinal who praised a French Catholic bishop. Here's the quote from CNN:

"I congratulate you on not having spoken out to civil authorities against a priest," wrote Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who at the time was prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy. You have done well and I am delighted to have an associate in the episcopate who... preferred prison to speaking out against a son-priest."

Omertà at it's worst. Change a few words and one would have thought a kingpin of the Mafia was speaking.

LORD JESUS CHRIST --- please bring this to an end and soon!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So, I've read and seen the webpage at the Vatican's site on the Net that shows the entire process for accused of abuse at the CDF.


See it here:

Guide to Understanding Basic CDF Procedures concerning Sexual Abuse Allegations


So what does it solve? Vatican spin? Likely. I'm not going to be accept being told on this matter "How blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."

So, I'll believe that the Holy Father and his brother bishops have changed when I see words match deeds and behaviors go with policies.

I follow what Barbara Blaine of S.N.A.P. wrote on 04/12/10:

"Vatican officials are reportedly posting on line a ‘guide’ to its long-secret, convoluted policy about defrocking priests.

But making a secretive, biased and erratically-followed policy slightly more accessible can only be considered “progress” in the most narrow sense possible.

Church policies, whether on-line or not, are largely irrelevant. Bishops answer to virtually no one and can easily ignore policies. We must focus on behavior, not policies, and on deeds, not words."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bishop Blair's Easter Message

I just read Bishop Blair's Easter at the website of the Diocese of Toledo.

Quotes from the same:

- I already pray every day for all the victims of such abuse;

- . . .[T]he Catholic Church in the United States is fully committed by word and deed to maximum vigilance and mandated protections against the abuse of minors by anyone.

And, apartachik that he is, he too has joined the chorus in defense of the Holy Father.

Maybe he does pray for the the people who are abused - the victims he calls them. He really loves victims - they're helpless and harmless after all. However, he's shown that he doesn't like Survivors because they've stood up; declared 'enough is enough' and now demand the healing and justice they richly deserve.

As for protecting the abused. Let us not forget the names 'Nuss' and 'Murd'. The former, who sexually abused a vulnerable woman which the Bishop lied about him until he was caught in the lie. Murd was caught when he abused a young man in a hot tub and got criminal charges filed against him. Charges that were dismissed. (It's so hard to see adults as victims of sexual abuse of clergy isn't it? A lot think the act is consensual and so it can't be abuse when it really is all about the abuse of power).

In the end both priests were 'away' for awhile and now are reassigned and free to go about doing what they doing before. Indeed from what I've heard from a reliable source on Nuss - that is exactly what he's been about since his 'return'.

Further, let us not forget the illegal and closed door campaign Bishop Blair and his five Ohio brothers conducted to quash any attempt to extend the statute of limitations via Ohio Senate Bill 17 on matters of the sexual abuse of children. If ever fully investigated, the bishop could find himself looking out at the world through a set of bars.

Finally, let us not forget the case of Fr. Gerald Robinson. It's been nearly six years since this priest was arrested for the murder of Sister Margaret Ann Paul and nearly four since he was justly found guilty and is serving his sentence. To this day Bishop Blair has done nothing to defrock or laicize this priest. Rumors continue to circulate that the Diocese of Toledo is quietly shunting money (from that which is gathered in collection baskets each Sunday) to support his appeals.

Children protected here? The abused protected here? Christ! Hardly. There are still predators in our midst - many. I know a name or two, but can't reveal who they are because I am held to confidentiality - but I keep asking God to out them. Maybe they will be, some day, before they die.

I keep hoping Bishop Blair will see the light some day, but I very much doubt it . From what I can tell he wants to be seen as the victim too. Yet, he's a man who just wants to coast to age 75 so he can hang up his mitre and become yet another bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Toledo.

My prayer is contained on the first page of this Blog - it says it all.

Monday, April 5, 2010