Thursday, July 15, 2010


Bussed it in to work today - heavy-duty thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon - not a good day to ride scooter.

But the respite from the Vespa gave me a chance to talk to a lady who often sits a few pews in front of me in church on Sunday.

She agreed with me that Bishop Blair planned what happened a couple of weeks ago - quite some time ago - the sudden departure of Fr. Hertzfeld who was supposed to take over at St. Joseph's down the street - was all too obvious -he wants to close the parish and building and confiscate any monies while he focuses on the rich parishes in the fringe areas of Toledo and its suburbs.

However, she did point out one thing further that will help toward the demise: the placement of the Sunday Masses. To restate: the Sunday Mass held at St. Hedwig's is at 11:30 AM. Now for the ignorant: the St. Hedwig's church building has never been air-conditioned while St. Adalbert's is. The word she gave me was the one or two of the altar servers got Father Joseph's ear and convinced him to ensure that St. Hedwig's Mass would be held during the warmest part of the day. This will ensure, of course, that folks wishing to attend Mass in the parish will go down the street to the air-conditioned building.

Ya know, I'm just a south-end kid - child, grandchild and great-grandchild of Catholic Polish-Americans and Polish immigrants who settled in Nebraski (I refuse to use the other derogatory term foisted on my ancestors by the north-end Poles). So, I have no real feeling for this 'Hatfield-McCoy' like feud that's been raging here in the north end for about a century.

So, why not just switch the Sunday Mass times and places around? It makes sense. It'll keep folks happy and ensure the bishop's promise to keep the building open for Sunday Mass will be kept.

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