Sunday, July 4, 2010


Just got out of the first Mass celebrated by the new pastor, Fr. Jospeh Poggemeyer.

Nothing new to report - he simply reiterated what Deacon Jerry stated last Sunday. Without clarification it would seem that perhaps today's Mass was the first of the last four regular Sunday Masses that will be celebrated within the walls of St. Hedwig's.

Fr. Joseph gave a short history of himself and his take on how to relate with the Lord rather than preach a sermon on today's reading from the Gospel.

I learned that like myself, he is an alumus of the Pontifical College Josephinum - though technically I graduated from the college division and he graduated from the theologate.

Looks he's a bishop's man though (Could less be expected?). He commented that he trusts that what the bishop says (and I assume does) is what the Lord wants for the Church. Considering what I've witnessed for 5 years now - I don't believe that can be relied upon with this bishop.

As for Mass celebration style: I did like that he used Eucharistic Prayer I (so many use E.P. II so much it's almost become the standard) and properly blessed us (May almighty God bless YOU (not US)). Hope that continues.

One final note here: Four years ago I did have a letter printed in the Blade in which I said it would be proper and just if of all priests who are transferring to a new parish to be required to have an updated background check done and released to the people. Of course that was roundly scorned and Bishop Blair - even if he ordered one - probably wouldn't release the results to the people of the parishes.

I never did one on Fr. Philoposki - who just left. But this time I did one on the new pastor - using the available information from the local courts that are on the Net. I found nothing significant - only a very, very, minor indiscretion when he was but a youth. Nothing that need be described in detail on this Blog. Had I found something seriously significant though, I would have felt obligated to let the whole world know. At this point I'd say he's safe to be around children, teens and vulnerable adults.

The point is not that I found anything, but - that the check was done and the results shared in some fashion - no matter what the check showed.

For now I'll watch and I'll listen.

Absolute final note: I did take the time to go meet him; shake his hand and welcome him to the parish - anything less would have been indecent of me.

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